Woods, Words and Wisdom
Now - We're still under construction but i had to give you a lil' something for the extensive wait. ​
My apologies, dearest.
In these woods Tous is of course sleeping. Choji is up and energetic. Puss is doing Puss. ​​
In the heart of our forest, where sunlight dapples through emerald canopies, Adria lies - a scribe of truths untold. Her body, a living extension of the earth, presses into the soft grass, drinking in the whispers of soil and root. Her eyes dance across pages white as moonlight, her fingers tracing constellations of words that pulse with hidden rhythms.
The trees lean in, eager eavesdroppers on a story that transcends the limits of ink and page.
What is she reading?
"Punching the Air" by Ibi Zoboi and Yusef Salaam
"The Palm-Wine Drinkard" by Amos Tutuola
The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal - (sci-fi)
Death of a Red Heroine by Qiu Xiaolong. -(CHINA! **trump voice**)-
happy reading.
I love you more than everything in the universe times everything in the universe to the infinite exponent. (thats a lot)
More to come soon.
-yours really and truly, Terence.